Curriculum for the course Python Data Analysis and Visualization Course – Astronomical Data
Learn data analysis, data visualizations, and image processing techniques using real-world astronomical data. The course offers a practical, hands-on approach to simplifying complex concepts in data analysis, making it great for beginners. Code: ✏️ Course developed by @Spartificial Spartificial Website: ⭐️ Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (0:00:34) Introduction to Course ⌨️ (0:03:54) Introduction to Google Colab ⌨️ (0:09:13) Python Comments ⌨️ (0:14:39) Variables and Constants ⌨️ (0:21:26) Basic Data Types ⌨️ (0:33:06) f-string ⌨️ (0:42:14) User inputs ⌨️ (0:47:43) Data Type Conversions ⌨️ (0:59:34) Control Flow ⌨️ (1:19:34) Functions ⌨️ (1:46:05) Intro to Tabular Dataset ⌨️ (1:48:14) Importing the libraries for tabular dataset ⌨️ (1:51:44) Exploring the tabular dataset ⌨️ (2:08:55) Creating First Visualization with barplot matplotlib ⌨️ (2:12:48) Adding customization to barplot ⌨️ (2:31:26) Creating bargraph using Seaborn ⌨️ (2:39:54) Visusalizing outliers using boxplot ⌨️ (2:46:13) Introducing subplots using matplotlib ⌨️ (2:53:57) Line plots ⌨️ (3:05:04) Pair plot and scatter plot ⌨️ (3:16:25) Creating HR Diagram ⌨️ (3:49:18) Downloading visualizations ⌨️ (3:54:44) Understanding Images, pixels, grayscale and colors ⌨️ (4:07:44) What are FITS file? ⌨️ (4:11:24) Installing Astroquery ⌨️ (4:13:44) SkyView Form - Virtual Telescope ⌨️ (4:19:12) Visualize Andromeda galaxy ⌨️ (4:41:14) Creating FITS file and testing ⌨️ (4:52:19) Pixel Distribution ⌨️ (5:01:39) MinMax Pixel Scaling ⌨️ (5:12:30) Standard Scaling, Log Normalization, Square root normalization ⌨️ (5:22:34) ZScaleInterval ⌨️ (5:43:39) Convolution Operation - Why? Why? and Demonstration ⌨️ (5:50:13) Gaussian Denoising ⌨️ (6:02:21) Enhancing features with Meijering and Sato filter ⌨️ (6:11:12) Corner Foerstner - What and How to use it in Python ⌨️ (6:19:21) Multiscale Basic Features using skimage ⌨️ (6:30:02) Conclusion 🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: 👾 davthecoder 👾 jedi-or-sith 👾 南宮千影 👾 Agustín Kussrow 👾 Nattira Maneerat 👾 Heather Wcislo 👾 Serhiy Kalinets 👾 Justin Hual 👾 Otis Morgan 👾 Oscar Rahnama -- Learn to code for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles on programming: Online Full Course: Python Data Analysis and Visualization Course – Astronomical Data
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