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Showing posts from December, 2020

Pointers in C / C++ [Full Course]

Curriculum for the course Pointers in C / C++ [Full Course] Pointers in C and C++ are often challenging to understand. In this course, they will be demystified, allowing you to use pointers more effectively in your code. The concepts you learn in this course apply to both C and C++. ✏️ Course developed by Harsha and Animesh from MyCodeSchool. 🔗 Read all about their amazing story here: 🔗 Check out the MyCodeSchool channel: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction to pointers in C/C++ ⌨️ (0:10:29) Working with pointers ⌨️ (0:22:05) Pointer types, pointer arithmetic, void pointers ⌨️ (0:33:01) Pointers to Pointers in C/C++ ⌨️ (0:42:21) Pointers as function arguments - call by reference ⌨️ (0:56:36) Pointers and arrays ⌨️ (1:05:18) Arrays as function arguments ⌨️ (1:18:10) Character arrays and pointers - part 1 ⌨️ (1:32:49) Character arrays and pointers - part 2

Build an Instagram Clone with React Native, Firebase Firestore, Redux, Expo - Full Course

Build an Instagram Clone with React Native, Firebase Firestore, Redux, Expo - Full Course Learn how to build an Instagram clone using React Native, Firebase Firestore, Firebase storage, Redux, and Expo. The app includes an authentication system, database, storage, and more. Download Instagram Clone Code Full Repository 💻 Code: ⭐️Build an Instagram Clone with React Native, Firebase Firestore, Redux, Expo - Full Course - Course Contents⭐️ ⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction ⌨️ (0:02:28) Setting up React Native Expo ⌨️ (0:16:34) Auth System With Firebase and React Native ⌨️ (0:56:33) Save Data Using Firebase And Redux ⌨️ (1:29:05) Handling Navigation on React Native ⌨️ (1:49:43) Using Camera And Image Gallery With React Native ⌨️ (2:12:57) Saving An Image Post Using Firebase Firestore and Firebase storage ⌨️ (2:42:38) Displaying User Profile With Firebase Firestore ⌨️ (3:11:57) Search User By Similar Name with Firebase Firestore

Python Microservices Web App (with React) - Full Course

Curriculum for the course Python Microservices Web App (with React) - Full Course Using Python microservices allows you to break up your apps into smaller parts that communicate with each other. This can make it simpler to scale the application based on the traffic. Also, the separation of concerns makes it easier to work on just one part of the app at a time. 💻 Code - Python Microservices: 💻 Code - React: ✏️ Course developed by Scalable Scripts. Check out their channel: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (0:00:00) What are Microservices? ⌨️ (0:02:29) Project Introduction ⌨️ (0:05:29) Django Setup ⌨️ (0:06:31) Adding Docker Files ⌨️ (0:12:32) Connect Django with MySQL with Docker ⌨️ (0:19:12) Models & Serializers ⌨️ (0:23:11) Rest APIs with ViewSets ⌨️ (0:35:07) User Endpoint with APIView ⌨️ (0:37:53) Flask Setup with Docker ⌨️ (0:42:13) C

Data Augmentation, Regularization, and ResNets | Deep Learning with PyTorch: Zero to GANs | 5 of 6

Curriculum for the course Data Augmentation, Regularization, and ResNets | Deep Learning with PyTorch: Zero to GANs | 5 of 6 “Deep Learning with PyTorch: Zero to GANs” is a beginner-friendly online course offering a practical and coding-focused introduction to deep learning using the PyTorch framework. Learn more and register for a certificate of accomplishment here: Watch the entire series here: Code and Resources: 🔗 Classifying CIFAR10 images using ResNet and Regularization techniques in PyTorch: 🔗 Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks in PyTorch: 🔗 Discussion forum: Topics covered in this video: * Improving the dataset using data normalization and data augmentation * Improving the model u

How to Build a Career in Tech: Jordan Jackson Connects the Dots

Curriculum for the course How to Build a Career in Tech: Jordan Jackson Connects the Dots Jason Lengstorf interviews Jordan Jackson. Jordan Jackson started learning to code using while he was in the United States Air Force. Now he is a software engineer at Twitter. Jason Lengstorf works at Netlify and hosts Learn With Jason. He is trying his very best to follow his own advice. Follow him on Twitter here: -- Learn to code for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles on programming: And subscribe for new videos on technology every day: Watch Online Full Course: How to Build a Career in Tech: Jordan Jackson Connects the Dots Click Here to watch on Youtube: How to Build a Career in Tech: Jordan Jackson Connects the Dots This video is first published on youtube via freecodecamp. If Video does

Webhooks for Beginners - Full Course

Curriculum for the course Webhooks for Beginners - Full Course Webhooks allow different web applications and services to communicate with each other. In this course for beginners, you will learn everything you need to know about webhooks. You will learn to implement webhooks with and without code. 💻 Teacher notes and code: ✏️ Course developed by Craig Dennis, who is a Developer Educator at Twilio. ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ Unit 1 - Integration ⌨️ Video 1 - Welcome (00:00:00) ⌨️ Video 2 - Defining Events, Handlers, and Hooks (00:04:51) ⌨️ Video 3 - Lightbulb moment (00:09:12) ⌨️ Video 4 - Finding Inspiration (00:17:11) Unit 2 - Capturing Data from a Webhook ⌨️ Video 1 - Diving into Webhooks (00:23:33) ⌨️ Video 2 - Explore the Request (00:28:28) ⌨️ Video 3 - Using the Data (00:37:34) ⌨️ Video 4 - Developing Locally (00:46:32) ⌨️ Video 5 - Opening a Tunnel (00:57:34) ⌨️ Video 6 - Serverless (01:17:17) Unit 3 - Hooking it altogether ⌨️ V

What’s next for System.Text.Json?

.NET 5.0 was released recently and has come with many new features and performance improvements. System.Text.Json is no exception. We have improved performance, reliability, and made it easier to adopt for people who are familiar with Newtonsoft.Json . In this post, I’m going to talk about the progress that has been made with System.Text.Json , and what’s going to come next. Getting the library If your project is targeting .NET 5, install .NET 5 . This gives you System.Text.Json right out of the box, without any other pre-requisites. If your project is targeting .NET Core 3.x or .NET Framework, or if you’re writing a .NET Standard compatible library, install the latest System.Text.Json NuGet package . If you’re starting a new ASP.NET Core project or upgrading an existing one from ASP.NET Core 2.2 to 3.0 or 5.0, System.Text.Json is the default serialization library being used under the covers. What is System.Text.Json ? System.Text.Json is the built-in JSON serialization l

Java Android App using REST API - Network Data in Android Course

Curriculum for the course Java Android App using REST API - Network Data in Android Course Learn how to build an Android app with Java that handles JSON data from a REST API service. The app uses the Volley library to create a weather app using API data. This course includes advice on building a RequestQueue, designing a Singleton, and using callbacks for async network communications. You will also learn to use the Volley library methods JsonArrayRequest and JsonArrayObject to parse a JSON file. ✏️ Course developed by Shad Sluiter. Check out his YouTube channel: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (0:00:00) REST API explained: JSON vs XML ⌨️ (0:14:04) Introduction to the Android Weather App ⌨️ (0:17:32) Design the Layout ⌨️ (0:29:16) Button onClick Listeners ⌨️ (0:35:52) Request JSON Data with Volley ⌨️ (1:01:44) Singleton Request Queue in Volley ⌨️ (1:09:20) Callbacks for Async Requests ⌨️ (1:31:06) Fetch One JSONObject from an Array ⌨️ (1:45:56)

Localize .NET applications with machine-translation

In this post, I’m going to introduce you to a GitHub Action that creates machine-translations for .NET localization. GitHub Actions allow you to build, test, and deploy your code right from GitHub, but they also allow for other workflows. You can perform nearly any action imaginable against your source code as it evolves. With the Machine Translator GitHub Action, you configure a workflow to automatically create pull requests as translation source file change. You can use localization with Blazor WebAssembly (Wasm) to change the displayed language of a rendered website. Localization support in .NET is nothing new. It’s possible with translation files, for example, *.{locale}.resx , *.{locale}.xliff , or *.{locale}.restext to name a few. The CultureInfo class is used along with these translation files and various other .NET employed mechanics. However, maintaining translation files can be tedious and time-consuming. With GitHub Actions and Azure Cognitive Services Translator , you c

Code a Discord Bot with Python - Host for Free in the Cloud

Curriculum for the course Code a Discord Bot with Python - Host for Free in the Cloud Learn how to code a Discord bot using Python and host it for free in the cloud using Along the way, you will learn to use's built-in database and create a Discord bot that uses webhooks to connect with GitHub. This course was developed by Beau Carnes. 🔗 Online code editor: 🔗 Discord Home Page: 🔗 Discord Developer Portal: 💻 Python server code for bot: 💻 Full code on ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (00:00) Introduction ⌨️ (01:18) Creating a Discord Server ⌨️ (01:52) Creating a Bot User ⌨️ (06:05) Starting a Project in ⌨️ (09:33) Coding a Basic Discord Bot ⌨️ (20:14) Improving the Bot ⌨️ (33:35) Using the Database to Store Bot Settings ⌨️ (56:09) Testing the Bot ⌨️

[Guest Post] Creating a game art asset pipeline in .NET

This is a guest post by Sam Eddy, a programmer at Kelsam Games. Kelsam’s games are written in C# using .NET and the MonoGame framework. Hello .NET community! I am Sam from Kelsam Games , and I have been using .NET to write software for over 10 years, since the XNA days. Nowadays, my wife Kelsie and I write our games using the MonoGame framework (one of the spiritual successors of XNA). In this post I would like to share details of one of the tools we use in the development process of our newest game, and how .NET was instrumental in its creation. When we started the newest version of our game Cymatically Muffed , we knew we needed to create better development tools that could reduce, or even eliminate, the friction between the art development process and programming. We used to make art assets, then compile them into MonoGame-based assets using a content building tool included with MonoGame. Then, we would re-compile the game (sometimes, depending on changes needed), then pass it b