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Showing posts from June, 2021

React Router Crash Course

Curriculum for the course React Router Crash Course React Router is commonly used to make different routes for pages in React Applications. This crash course will teach you how to create routes in your React applications. This course covers BrowserRouter, Switch, Nesting Routes, Redirecting Routes, match and history props, including useHistory, useParams, useLocation, and useRouteMatch Hooks. ✏️ Course created by Piyush Agarwal. Check out his channel: 🔗 8 clean code practices: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (00:00) Intro ⌨️ (00:51) Initialize new React App ⌨️ (03:16) Header Component ⌨️ (04:42) React Router Installation ⌨️ (05:15) BrowserRouter ⌨️ (05:57) Creating Routes ⌨️ (08:21) Testing Routes ⌨️ (08:39) 'exact' prop ⌨️ (09:25) Switch Tag ⌨️ (10:17) Link Tag ⌨️ (13:32) basename prop ⌨️ (14:06) forceRefresh Prop ⌨️ (14:37) getUserConfirmation ⌨️ (15:54) scroll to top on route change ⌨️ (16:

Create a Design System with Figma - Full Course

Curriculum for the course Create a Design System with Figma - Full Course Learn how to build a design system in Figma. By the end of this course you will become a master of building design systems in Figma and understanding master components. ✏️ Course developed by Tim Sullivan. Check out his channel: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (0:00:00) Introduction ⌨️ (0:03:03) Creating a Color System ⌨️ (0:22:23) Building a Type System in Figma ⌨️ (0:35:16) Elevation ⌨️ (0:57:33) Product & System Icons ⌨️ (1:11:26) Text Legibility ⌨️ (1:30:58) States ⌨️ (1:50:53) Selection (Interaction) ⌨️ (1:55:02) Understanding Layout ⌨️ (2:04:15) Pixel Density ⌨️ (2:12:05) Spacing Methods ⌨️ (2:24:19) Responsive Grid Layout ⌨️ (2:48:59) App Bar - Bottom ⌨️ (3:07:55) App Bar - Top ⌨️ (3:22:37) Backdrop ⌨️ (3:41:58) Banners ⌨️ (4:06:45) Bottom Navigation ⌨️ (4:19:15) Buttons - Floating Action Button ⌨️ (4:38:54) Buttons ⌨️ (5:06:04) Cards ⌨️ (5:41:10)

DDV Generator Slovenia

What Is Slovenian DDV VAT DDV definition and abbreviation. What does DDV stand for Slovenia? ... The meaning of DDV is Davek Na Dodano Vrednost (DDV) is the VAT number provided by state with information on all Slovenian companies. The equivalent of Value added tax (VAT) in Slovenia is DDV. There are two taxation rates, 22% and 9.5%. A person becomes liable for VAT when annual turnover exceeds EUR 50,000. When this happens, an application for the issue of a VAT identification number must be registered in the month when turnover is likely to exceed the annual threshold of EUR 50,000. An individual or business can apply to become VAT registered even if your turnover does not reach the threshold. An application can be submitted when the company is being set up on condition that the applicant remains a taxable person for at least 60 months thereafter. Generate Slovenian DDV Number - VAT Click the button below to generate the valid DDV number for Slovenia. You can click multiple

The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 20: Code walkthrough

As is traditional, I wrap up the processor overview series with an annotated walkthrough of a simple function. Here’s the function again: extern FILE _iob[]; int fclose(FILE *stream) { int result = EOF; if (stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) { stream->_flag = 0; The post The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 20: Code walkthrough appeared first on The Old New Thing . 2021-06-25 14:00:00Z 0001-01-01 00:00:00Z

The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 19: Common patterns

We saw some time ago how to recognize dense switch statements that use the TBB and TBH instructions. Here are some other common sequences in compiler-generated code. Note that instructions are likely to be reordered by the compiler to avoid stalls. The post The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 19: Common patterns appeared first on The Old New Thing . 2021-06-24 15:51:46Z 0001-01-01 00:00:00Z

OpenTelemetry Course - Understand Software Performance

Curriculum for the course OpenTelemetry Course - Understand Software Performance Learn how to use OpenTelemetry to get full stack observability on the performance and behavior of your software projects. ✏️ Couse developed by Ania Kubów. Check out her channel: 💻 Repositories: 🔗 Tracing Project: 🔗 Distributed Tracing: 🔗 New Relic OpenTelemetry Examples: 🔗 New Relic OpenTelemetry Exporter: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (0:00:00) What is OpenTelemetry ⌨️ (0:03:04) Course Outline ⌨️ (0:03:40) Let’s go! ⌨️ (0:04:49) What are Microservices? ⌨️ (0:07:11) What is Observability? ⌨️ (0:07:55) M.E.L.T ⌨️ (0:09:57) History ⌨️ (0:11:22) Setting up our Project ⌨️ (0:21

What’s new in Windows Forms in .NET 6.0 Preview 5

In this post we are going to talk about what’s new in Windows Forms runtime in .NET 6.0 Preview 5. Application-wide default font .NET Framework and Windows Forms were designed and built in a completely different world from today – back when CRT monitors still largely maxed out at 1024×768, and “Microsoft Sans Serif” was the default font on Windows. However, nothing is ever set in stone, and even fundamental properties like default font change once in a while. Windows Vista received a fair share of UI updates, including the default font, which was changed to Segoe UI. But this wasn’t something that could be changed in .NET Framework, and it continued using Microsoft Sans Serif as the default font. Fast forward to 2018 and .NET Core 3.0, where we were finally able to start modernizing Windows Forms. We changed the font to Segoe UI in dotnet/winforms#656 , and quickly learned that a great number of things depended on this default font metrics. For example, the designer was no longer a

.NET 5 REST API Tutorial - Build From Scratch With C#

Curriculum for the course .NET 5 REST API Tutorial - Build From Scratch With C# Learn how to create a REST API end-to-end from scratch using the latest .NET 5 innovations and Visual Studio Code. The API will be written in C#. 💻 Get the code: ✏️ Course developed by Julio Casal. Check out his channel: 🔗 Julio's website: ⭐️ Course Contents ⭐️ Getting Started 0:00:00 Introduction 0:03:02 Creating the project 0:04:01 Exploring the generated project files 0:10:03 Trusting the self-signed certificate 0:11:36 Exploring the default Swagger UI page 0:12:30 Configuring Visual Studio Code settings Entity, Repository, Controller GET 0:14:33 Introduction 0:15:45 Adding an entity 0:20:39 Ading an in-memory repository 0:26:40 Creating the controller 0:30:42 Implemeting GET all items 0:33:37 Implemeting GET single item 0:37:47 Returning a 404 NotFound status code Depen

The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 18: Other kinds of prologues and epilogues

Last time, we looked at the standard function prologue and epilogue. There are some variations to the standard that you may encounter from time to time. Lightweight leaf functions are functions which meet all of the following criteria: Modify only the non-preserved registers: r0 through r3 and r12, The post The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 18: Other kinds of prologues and epilogues appeared first on The Old New Thing . 2021-06-23 14:00:00Z 0001-01-01 00:00:00Z

Package Validation

In this blog post, I’m going to show the new package validation tooling that will become available with .NET 6. It ensures that your package consumers have a great experience across all .NET platforms and versions and that you didn’t accidentally make any breaking changes with the previous version of your package. If that is of interest to you, keep reading! Why validation is important With .NET Core & Xamarin we have made cross-platform a mainstream requirement for library authors. However, we lack validation tooling for cross targeting packages, which can result in packages that don’t work well, which in turn hurts our ecosystem. This is especially problematic for emerging platforms where adoption isn’t high enough to warrant special attention by library authors. The tooling we provide as part of the SDK has close to zero validation that multi-targeted packages are well-formed. For example, a package that multi-targets for .NET 6.0 and .NET Standard 2.0 needs to ensure that co

ML.NET June Updates

ML.NET is an open-source, cross-platform machine learning framework for .NET developers that enables integration of custom machine learning into .NET apps. We are excited to announce new versions of ML.NET and Model Builder which bring a ton of awesome updates! In this post, we’ll cover the following items: ML.NET Release Model Builder Updates ML.NET Survey Results Get started and resources ML.NET Release This release of ML.NET brings a long-awaited capability to the framework: ARM support! ML.NET on ARM You can now perform training and inferencing with ML.NET on ARM64 and Apple M1 (in addition to Linux and macOS) devices which enables platform support for mobile and embedded devices as well as ARM-based servers. The following video shows training and inferencing on a Pinebook Pro laptop running Manjaro ARM Linux distribution: There are still a few limitations when training

Asynchronous JavaScript Course (Async/Await, Promises, Callbacks)

Curriculum for the course Asynchronous JavaScript Course (Async/Await, Promises, Callbacks) Learn how to use Async/Await, Promises, and Callbacks in JavaScript. ✏️ Course from Joy Shaheb. Check out his channel: 📄 Article version: ⌨️ (0:00:00) Intro ⌨️ (0:00:37) Asynchronous JS ⌨️ (0:01:48) Sync vs Async ⌨️ (0:04:55) Examples ☝️ ⌨️ (0:08:40) setTimeout function ⌨️ (0:13:21) callbacks w/examples ⌨️ (0:18:09) ice cream w/ callbacks ⌨️ (0:42:02) Callback hell ⌨️ (0:43:32) Promises & promise cycle ⌨️ (0:54:22) Promise Chaining ⌨️ (1:03:27) error handling ⌨️ (1:05:37) finally handler ⌨️ (1:07:26) Async/ Await ⌨️ (1:09:42) try catch finally ⌨️ (1:15:46) Await keyword w/ example ⌨️ (1:25:22) ice cream w/ async/await -- Learn to code for free and get a developer job: Re

The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 17: Prologues and epilogues

The calling convention and ABI for ARM on Windows dictates a lot of the structure of function prologues and epilogues. Here’s a typical function prologue: push {r4-r7,r11,lr} ; save a bunch of registers add r11, sp, #0x10 ; link into frame pointer chain sub sp, The post The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 17: Prologues and epilogues appeared first on The Old New Thing . 2021-06-22 14:00:00Z 0001-01-01 00:00:00Z

JavaScript Programming - Full Course

Curriculum for the course JavaScript Programming - Full Course Learn JavaScript from scratch by solving over a hundred different coding challenges. Go here for the interactive browser version: ⭐️ Code ⭐️ Two versions: 🔗 Interactive version: 🔗 GitHub repo: ✏️ Created by Per Harald Borgen. Per on Twitter: 00:00 Intro 03:41 Passenger counter app 04:39 Setting up file 07:42 Create variable 12:27 Mathematical operations 16:16 Reassigning & incrementing 19:23 Adding button 21:41 onclick event listener 25:10 Using functions to write less code 28:48 First function 29:34 Function that logs sum 32:25 Function that increments 34:23 Increment on clicks 36:35 Display count 41:53 Document Object Model 43:47 Display count w/ innerText 44:30 Create save button 46:40 What is string? 48:16 First string variable 52:00 Log greeting to co

The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 16: The calling convention

For non-variadic functions, the Windows calling convention for ARM matches the Procedure Call Standard for the Arm Architecture, so this will largely match what you see on most other operating systems. The fine points of the calling convention are spelled out in the standard document, The post The ARM processor (Thumb-2), part 16: The calling convention appeared first on The Old New Thing . 2021-06-21 14:00:00Z 0001-01-01 00:00:00Z

ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 6 Preview 5

.NET 6 Preview 5 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core. Here’s what’s new in this preview release: .NET Hot Reload updates for dotnet watch ASP.NET Core SPA templates updated to Angular 11 and React 17 Use Razor syntax in SVG foreignObject elements Specify null for Action and RenderFragment component parameters Reduced Blazor WebAssembly download size with runtime relinking Configurable buffer threshold before writing to disk in Json.NET output formatter Subcategories for better filtering of Kestrel logs Faster get and set for HTTP headers Configurable unconsumed incoming buffer size for IIS Get started To get started with ASP.NET Core in .NET 6 Preview 5, install the .NET 6 SDK . If you’re on Windows using Visual Studio, we recommend installing the latest preview of Visual Studio 2019 16.11 . Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 is also releasing today and .NET 6 Preview 5 is included in that release. If you’re on macOS, we recommend ins

Announcing .NET MAUI Preview 5

While we are still recovering from Microsoft Build and .NET 6 Preview 4 , we are here to share our continued progress with .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) with .NET 6 Preview 5 . In this release we have enabled animations and view transformations, completed the porting of several UI components, and introduced improvements to the single project templates. We have also published our first batch of preview documentation covering introductory and foundational aspects of .NET MAUI: . Animations There are a few ways to perform animation in .NET MAUI, the easiest of which is using view extension methods such as FadeTo , RotateTo , ScaleTo , TranslateTo , and more. In the following example I grab a reference to each view bound to the layout (see bindable layouts ) using the new HandlerAttached event: <DataTemplate x:Key="FavouriteTemplate"> <Frame AttachedHandler="OnAttached" Opacity="0

Announcing Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 5: Compiled Models

Today, the Entity Framework Core team announces the fifth preview release of EF Core 6.0. This release includes the first iteration of compiled models. If startup time for your application is important and your EF Core model contains hundreds or thousands of entities, properties, and relationships, this is one release you don’t want to ignore. TL;DR; Compiled models dramatically reduce startup time for your application. The models are generated (similar to how migrations are) so they should be refreshed whenever your model changes. Some features are not currently supported by compiled models, so be aware of the limitations when you try them out. Background How does 10x performance sound to you? Our team created a sample project with a DbContext that contains 449 entity types, 6,390 properties and 720 relationships . I wrote a console app that loops several times, creates a new instance of a DbContext and loads a set of entities with no filters or ordering. The start-up time