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Full Stack React Developer Course (including Appwrite)

Curriculum for the course Full Stack React Developer Course (including Appwrite)

In this React course, you'll not only learn the nuances of React and its internal workings but also immerse yourself in building a variety of projects to understand the practical applications of React features. This course uniquely balances a project-focused approach with comprehensive theoretical knowledge, ensuring a thorough understanding of each concept. By the end of this course, not only will you have a bunch of projects for your portfolio, but you'll also gain hands-on experience in creating a full-stack application using Appwrite, integrating advanced tools like Redux-Toolkit and Tailwind to craft production-grade applications. 💻 Code: ✏️ Course created by @HiteshChoudharydotcom ⭐️ Contents ⭐️ ⌨️ (00:00:00) React Roadmap ⌨️ (00:20:05) Create react projects ⌨️ (00:42:37) Understand the react flow and structure ⌨️ (01:09:15) Create your own react library and JSX ⌨️ (01:40:45) Why you need hooks and project ⌨️ (02:00:12) Virtual DOM, Fibre and reconciliation ⌨️ (02:13:55) Tailwind and Props in reactjs ⌨️ (02:40:33) Building a react project . bgChanger ⌨️ (02:58:20) useEffect, useRef and useCallback with 1 project ⌨️ (03:38:37) Custom hooks in react . currency Project ⌨️ (04:31:08) React router crash course ⌨️ (05:27:02) Context API in react . get the concept ⌨️ (05:56:01) Build a dark mode light mode in reactjs with context api ⌨️ (06:25:21) Context API with local Storage ⌨️ (07:33:39) Building a full stack project with react and appwrite ⌨️ (07:40:51) Exploring the new docs of appwrite ⌨️ (08:07:18) All that you need to know about Appwrite Auth ⌨️ (08:28:53) Appwrite Databases, Query and Storage - All that you need ⌨️ (09:05:55) Setting up redux store and protecing pages in react ⌨️ (09:49:08) Debugging for protected routes ⌨️ (09:52:43) Learn to create production components ⌨️ (10:18:44) React hook form and TinyMCE editor in react ⌨️ (11:30:09) Parsing HTML in react components ⌨️ (12:07:47) Prepare all pages with components ⌨️ (12:27:55) Debugging the mega project 🎉 Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: 👾 davthecoder 👾 jedi-or-sith 👾 南宮千影 👾 Agustín Kussrow 👾 Nattira Maneerat 👾 Heather Wcislo 👾 Serhiy Kalinets 👾 Justin Hual 👾 Otis Morgan 👾 Oscar Rahnama -- Learn to code for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles on programming:

Watch Online Full Course: Full Stack React Developer Course (including Appwrite)

Click Here to watch on Youtube: Full Stack React Developer Course (including Appwrite)

This video is first published on youtube via freecodecamp. If Video does not appear here, you can watch this on Youtube always.

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