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Delete a Git branch both locally and remotely - Explained with Git commands and Example

Delete a Git branch both locally and remotely is a common task that can be accomplished in several ways. Here are some of the most common methods, explained in detail with examples.

Deleting a Git branch both locally and remotely - Explained with Git commands and Example

Deleting a local branch

To delete a local branch in Git, you can use the git branch -d command followed by the name of the branch you want to delete. For example, git branch -d feature-branch will delete the local branch called feature-branch.

Here's a step-by-step guide with images:

  • First, we create a local branch called feature-branch using the git branch feature-branch command:

Create local branch

  • Next, we delete the local branch using the git branch -d feature-branch command:

Delete local branch

Deleting a remote branch

To delete a remote branch in Git, you can use the git push command with the --delete option followed by the name of the remote branch you want to delete. For example, git push origin --delete feature-branch will delete the remote branch called feature-branch.

Here's a step-by-step guide with images:

  • First, we create a remote branch called feature-branch using the git push -u origin feature-branch command:

Create remote branch

  • Next, we delete the remote branch using the git push --delete origin feature-branch command:

Delete remote branch

Deleting a branch with merged changes

If the branch you want to delete has already been merged into another branch, you can use the git branch -d command to delete it. If you want to force the deletion, you can use the git branch -D command instead.

Here's a step-by-step guide with images:

  • First, we create a local branch called feature-branch and make some changes to it:

Create local branch

  • Next, we merge the changes from feature-branch into the main branch using the git merge feature-branch command:

Merge changes

  • Finally, we delete the feature-branch using the git branch -d feature-branch command:

Delete merged branch

Deleting a branch with unmerged changes

If the branch you want to delete has unmerged changes, you can use the git branch -D command to force the deletion.

Here's a step-by-step guide with images:

  • First, we create a local branch called feature-branch and make some changes to it:

Create local branch

  • Next, we try to delete the feature-branch using the git branch -d feature-branch command, but we get an error message because the changes have not been merged:

Delete unmerged branch

  • Finally, we force the deletion using the git branch -D feature-branch command:

Force delete unmerged branch

It's important to note that these commands can be dangerous if used incorrectly, so it's always a good idea to make a backup of your repository before making any changes. Additionally, if you're unsure about which command to use, it's always a good idea to consult the Git documentation or seek help from a more experienced Git user.

A few more reference to understand the concept "Deleting a Git branch both locally and remotely":


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