Find a person by CPR Number Denmark
The Central Personal Register - CPR holds a good amount of information about a Denmark citizen. The information registered in the CPR can be accessed by both individuals and companies. This is the same information that any person can obtain information about another person when contacting a municipality, e.g. name and address.
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Find Address of a person using CPR number
You can obtain information from the CPR about other persons and obtain, for example, current name and address information - unless the person has registered name and address protection. You can also find out if the person has died, traveled abroad or is incapacitated.
In order to be given information, however, you must be able to identify the person you want information about either by name and address, name and date of birth or name and CPR number.
Each inquiry costs up to DKK 91 (2023), even if it is not certain that the municipality can find the person you are looking for. You must be aware that the previous address cannot be used if it is from before the year 1972, because it does not exist electronically. You can contact the National Archives to get a newer address that can be used in the self-service solution.
How to apply for address inquiry using CPR number?
You must apply for the address inquiry digitally. If in any case you can not apply for address inquiry using CPR number, you should contact and visit your municipality office. CPR register authority needs not be contacted in this case.
Address update in CPR
When you move, you have a duty to report it to the municipality you will be living in. The move must, as a rule, be reported digitally.
The municipality also has the option of making a decision to change your registered address in CPR if the municipality does not believe that it is correct. You can appeal to the Ministry of the Interior and Health about the decision.
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