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Secure your .NET cloud apps with rootless Linux Containers

Starting with .NET 8, all of our Linux container images will include a non-root user. You’ll be able to host your .NET containers as a non-root user with one line of code. This platform-level change will make your apps more secure and .NET one of the most secure developer ecosystems. It is a small change with a big impact for defense in depth.

This change was inspired by our earlier project enabling .NET in Ubuntu Chiseled containers. Chiseled (AKA “distroless”) images are intended to be appliance-like so non-root was an easy design choice for those images. We realized that we could apply the non-root feature of Chiseled containers to all the container images we publish. By doing that, we’ve raised the security bar for .NET container images.

This post is about the benefit of non-root containers, workflows for creating them, and how they work. A follow-on post will discuss how to best use these images with Kubernetes. Also, if you want a simpler option, you should check out built-in container support for the .NET SDK.

Least privilege

Hosting containers as non-root aligns with principle of least privilege. It’s free security provided by the operating system. If you run your app as root, your app process can do anything in the container, like modify files, install packages, or run arbitrary executables. That’s a concern if your app is ever attacked. If you run your app as non-root, your app process cannot do much, greatly limiting what a bad actor could accomplish.

Non-root containers can also be thought of as contributing to secure supply chain. Most of the time, people talk about secure supply chain in terms of blocking bad dependency updates or auditing component pedigree. Non-root containers come after those two topics. If a bad dependency slips through your process (and there is a probability that one will), then a non-root container may be your best last defense. Kubernetes hardening best practices require running containers with a non-root user for this same reason.

Meet app

All of our Linux images — starting with .NET 8 — will contain an app user. The app user will be able to run your app, but won’t be able to delete or change any of files that come with the container image (unless you explicitly allow that). The naming is appropriate since the user can do little more than run your app.

The user app isn’t actually new. It is the same one we’re using for our Ubuntu Chiseled images. That’s a key design point. Starting with .NET 8, all of our Linux container images will contain the app user. That means that you can switch between the images we offer, and the user and uid will be the same.

I’ll describe the new experience in terms of the docker CLI.

Meet app.

$ docker run --rm cat /etc/passwd | tail -n 1

That’s the last line of the /etc/passwd file in our images. That’s the file that Linux uses for managing users.

We selected a relatively high uid based on industry guidance, close to 2^16. We also decided that this user should have a home directory.

$ docker run --rm -u app bash -c "cd && pwd"

We looked around a bit and discovered that Node.js, Ubuntu 23.04+, and Chainguard are all on this same plan. Nice!

$ docker run --rm node cat /etc/passwd | tail -n 1
$ docker run ubuntu:lunar cat /etc/passwd | tail -n 1
$ cat out/layers/ruby/etc/passwd | tail -n 1
nonroot:x:65532:65532:Account created by apko:/home/nonroot:/bin/sh

The last one is Chainguard. Those images are structured differently (for good reasons), so a different pattern was used. It is fine for everyone to create their own users. The key is avoiding overlap, particularly with UIDs.

There are lots of users in container images, but none of them are considered appropriate for this use case. It would be nice to reduce the number of users, however, that’s unlikely to happen and one of the benefits of using distroless/Chiseled images.

Windows Containers already have a non-admin capability, with the ContainerUser user. We opted against adding app to our Windows Container images. You should follow Windows Team guidance on how to best secure Windows Container images.

Using app

“Non-root-capable”: Configure your container as non-root with a one-line USER instruction.

Docker and Kubernetes make it easy to specify the user you want to use for your container. It’s a one-liner. Per our definition, “non-root-capable” means you can switch to non-root as a one-liner. That’s very powerful, since the ease of a one-liner removes any reason to not run more securely.

Note: aspnetapp is used throughout as a substitute for your app.

You can set the user via the CLI with -u.

$ docker run --rm -u app whoami

Specifying the user via the CLI is fine, but more for testing or diagnostic scenarios. It is best for production apps to define the USER in a Dockerfile, with the username or uid.

As the user:

USER app

As the UID:

USER 64198

We’re in the process of adding an environment variable for the UID. That will enable the following pattern.


We consider this pattern a best practice because it makes it obvious which user you are using, avoids duplicated magic numbers, and uses a UID, all of which work well if you are using Kubernetes. We’ll have a post on non-root hosting with Kubernetes shortly.

If you don’t do anything, everything will be the same as before and your image will continue to run as root. We hope you take the extra (small) step and run your container as the app user. You might be wondering why we didn’t switch to the non-root user by default. That will be covered in a later section.

Switching to port 8080

The biggest sticking point of the project was the ports that we expose. In fact, it is so much of a sticking point that we had to make a breaking change.

We decided to standardize on port 8080 for all container images going forward. This decision was based on our earlier experience with Chiseled images, which already listen on port 8080. All the images now match.

However, ASP.NET Core apps (using our .NET 7 and earlier container images) listen on port 80. The problem is that port 80 is a privileged port that requires root permission (at least in some places). That’s inherently incompatible with non-root containers.

You can see how the ports are configured in our images.

For .NET 8:

$ docker run --rm bash -c "export | grep ASPNETCORE"
declare -x ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS="8080"

For .NET 7 (and earlier):

$ docker run --rm bash -c "export | grep ASPNETCORE"
declare -x ASPNETCORE_URLS="http://+:80"

Going forward, your port mapping will need to change.

You can do this via the CLI. You’ll need 8080 on the right-hand of the mapping. The left-hand side can match or be another value.

docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 aspnetapp

Some users will want to continue to use port 80 (and root). You can still do that.

You can re-define ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS in your Dockerfile or via the CLI.

For Dockerfile:


For Docker CLI:

docker run --rm -e ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS=80 -p 8000:80 aspnetapp

.NET 8 Windows Container images use port 8080 as well.

>docker run --rm cmd /c "set | findstr ASPNETCORE"

ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS is a new environment variable for specifying the port (or ports) for ASP.NET Core (actually, Kestrel) to listen on. It takes a semi-colon delimited list of port values. .NET 8 images use this new environment variable, instead of ASPNETCORE_URLS (which is used in .NET 6 and 7 images). ASPNETCORE_URLS remains a useful advanced feature. It enables specifying both raw HTTP and TLS ports in one configuration and overrides both ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS and ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORTS.

Non-root in action

Let’s take a look at what non-root looks like from a few different angles so that you can better understand what’s actually going on. I’m using Ubuntu 22.10 in WSL2.

We added a Dockerfile so that you can try this scenario yourself. It configures the container to always run as app. It uses our aspnetapp sample.

$ pwd
$ cat Dockerfile.alpine-non-root | tail -n 2
USER app
ENTRYPOINT ["./aspnetapp"]
$ docker build --pull -t aspnetapp -f Dockerfile.alpine-non-root .

Let’s see if we can observe the user in action, which has been set in the Dockerfile we’re using.

$ docker run --rm -d -p 8000:8080 aspnetapp
$ curl http://localhost:8000/Environment
{"runtimeVersion":".NET 8.0.0-preview.2.23128.3","osVersion":"Linux #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 02:56:13 UTC 2023","osArchitecture":"X64","user":"app","processorCount":16,"totalAvailableMemoryBytes":67429986304,"memoryLimit":9223372036854771712,"memoryUsage":30220288}
$ docker exec 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad ls -l
total 188
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           127 Jan 20 17:14 appsettings.Development.json
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           151 Oct 19 21:59 appsettings.json
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         78320 Mar 16 16:51 aspnetapp
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           463 Mar 16 16:51 aspnetapp.deps.json
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         51200 Mar 16 16:51 aspnetapp.dll
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         35316 Mar 16 16:51 aspnetapp.pdb
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           469 Mar 16 16:51 aspnetapp.runtimeconfig.json
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          4096 Mar 16 16:51 wwwroot
$ docker exec 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad ps
    1 app       0:00 ./aspnetapp
   53 app       0:00 ps

Notice the user property in the JSON content returned from Environment endpoint, above.

You can see that application is running as app and that the files are owned by root. That means that the application files are protected from being altered by this user. This split is one of the reasons why we continue to publish the images as root. If we shipped them as app, then (by default) your application binaries would not be protected from the app user. If we’d shipped the images as app, you could still achieve this split, but your Dockerfiles (and ours, too) would get messy with a bunch of user switching, with no real benefit.

In our view, base image producers should exclusively publish platform images as root. It is the only good general model.

The application binaries are owned by root because they are produced by the build/SDK stage, which is run as the root user. It isn’t because the user is changed to app after the final COPY in the Dockerfile. Note that COPY has semantics that you should understand.

From Dockerfile reference:

All new files and directories are created with a UID and GID of 0, unless the optional --chown flag specifies a given username, groupname, or UID/GID combination to request specific ownership of the copied content

Let’s try some rootful actions on this container, using docker exec on the same container.

$ docker exec 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad rm aspnetapp.pdb
rm: can't remove 'aspnetapp.pdb': Permission denied
$ docker exec 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad touch /file
touch: /file: Permission denied
$ docker exec 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad which dotnet
$ docker exec 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad rm /usr/bin/dotnet
rm: can't remove '/usr/bin/dotnet': Permission denied
$ docker exec 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad apk add curl
ERROR: Unable to lock database: Permission denied
ERROR: Failed to open apk database: Permission denied

The result: Permission denied. That’s what we want. Let’s try again, but elevate to root.

$ docker exec -u root 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad ash -c "rm aspnetapp.pdb && ls aspnetapp.pdb"
ls: aspnetapp.pdb: No such file or directory
$ docker exec -u root 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad ash -c "touch /file && ls /file"
$ docker exec -u root 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad ash -c "rm /usr/bin/dotnet &&  ls /usr/bin/dotnet"
ls: /usr/bin/dotnet: No such file or directory
$ docker exec -u root 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad apk add curl
(1/4) Installing brotli-libs (1.0.9-r9)
(2/4) Installing nghttp2-libs (1.51.0-r0)
(3/4) Installing libcurl (7.87.0-r2)
(4/4) Installing curl (7.87.0-r2)
Executing busybox-1.35.0-r29.trigger
OK: 14 MiB in 28 packages

You can see that root is able to do a lot more, in fact, anything it wants. After curl is installed, an attacker could start executing scripts from any webserver they choose. In the case of Alpine, it ships with wget, which removes a step in this chain.

Note that I’m using Alpine here, so using ash instead of bash as the shell, but that doesn’t change anything about the demonstration.

Surely, the answer is to remove the root user to avoid these risks. No. In fact, removing the root user has undefined behavior, unless you adopt our Chiseled images. The best option is to run as a non-root user. It removes a whole class of attacks via well-defined mechanisms.

The use of docker exec -u root might seem scary. If an attacker can run docker exec -u root on your running container, then they already have access to the host, and you’re already in far more trouble than anything that is addressed by this post.

What about sudo? sudo isn’t included in our images and never will be.

$ docker exec 5bde77feebdf76ff370815f41a8989a880d51a4037c91e2ac8c6f2c269b759ad sudo
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "sudo": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

Hosting in Azure container services

It is straightforward to adopt this pattern in Azure container services. There are two aspects to consider, the port and the user.

Some container services offer a higher-level experience than Kubernetes and require a different configuration option.

None of those services offer an obvious way to change the user. If you set the user in your Dockerfile (which is a best practice), then there is no need for that capability.

We’ve started to spread the word to other clouds that this change is coming.

Next steps

The next step is to investigate the cases where non-root could be a challenge, such as for diagnostic scenarios. Some of the examples use docker exec -u root. That works well in a local environment, however kubectl exec doesn’t offer a user argument. We’ll look more deeply at Kubernetes workflows with non-root in a later post.

We’re also going to continue working with container hosting services to ensure that .NET developers can move to .NET 8 container images with ease, particularly those providing higher-level experiences like Azure App Service.


A key part of our mission on the .NET Team is defense in depth. Everyone needs to think about security, however, we are in the business of closing off whole classes of attack with a single change or feature. To be true, we could have made this change when we started publishing container images about a decade ago. We have been asked for non-root guidance and non-root container images for many years. It honestly wasn’t clear to us how to approach that, in large part because the pattern we’re now using didn’t exist when we started out. There wasn’t a leader in safe container hosting for us to learn from. It was the experience of working with Canonical on chiseled images that enabled us to discover and shape this approach.

We hope that this initiative enables the entire .NET container ecosystem to switch to non-root hosting. We’re invested in .NET apps in the cloud being high-performance and safe.

The post Secure your .NET cloud apps with rootless Linux Containers appeared first on .NET Blog.



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