You slide into your office chair, cup of coffee in hand, and check your email. Another high severity ticket – your servers have crashed, and you have by tomorrow morning to figure out why. Heaving a heavy sigh, you soon find yourself sifting through tens of thousands of lines of code and logs. Morning soon passes to afternoon, fading into dusk. Finally, you find it, push the fix, and reboot the application. Minutes pass. Crash . Your night of the living dead has begun – no matter how many times you try to put this bug down, it just keeps coming back to life. We’ve all suffered from “zombie bugs” before. There are many static analysis tools on the marketplace today to help you detect bugs, many of which work by searching for a series of syntactic patterns in code. Unfortunately, due to the huge variation and complexity of coding constructs and conventions in different projects, this approach often leads to the high false positive and false negative rates for which static analysis tools
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